Comedy Diva Diaries

Delightful showbiz anecdotes

Thursday, July 15, 2004

There's an imposter!

Hello darlings, I have bad news. Apparently some weasel named Bob stole my url back in April. Bob, I sincerely hope that you are a publicist or an agent for a wonderful Comedy Diva somewhere in the world, because my nom de plume certainly does not suit you.

I am a teensy bit angry because this url - my original url - is listed on a whole bunch of search engines as a Funny Blog to Visit. I don't care. I have these two new urls, and a book coming out, so really, who has the last laugh? Not you dear Bob, because as far as I can tell, you haven't written a single joke.

Anyway, dear fans, now you know where to find me. At and NOT at, that is just boring old Bob.

Soon I will regale you with humorous anecdotes from the world of showbiz, but at the moment, I am still a bit vexed and in need of a starbucks fix.